Simplifying Organizational Change: A Guide for the Perplexed

Simplifying Organizational Change: A Guide for the Perplexed

Here’s a 4-step, open process for making change easier—both for you and your organization. Most organizational leaders have encountered a certain paralysis around efforts to implement culture change—perhaps because of perceived difficulty or the time necessary for...
Stop Hiring for Culture Fit

Stop Hiring for Culture Fit

If you’re looking for talented people you can turn into cultural doppelgängers—rather than seeking to align productive differences toward a common goal—you’re doing it wrong.Talent leaders should hire for “culture fit”—at least, that’s...
Surviving Industry 4.0 – think beyond digital

Surviving Industry 4.0 – think beyond digital

At the heart of what we call “digital transformation” isn’t just technology—it’s people, too. When we forget that, we put our organizations in danger. We live in an age of innovation featuring rapid cycles of change. Futurist Gerd Leonhardt...
The Power of Community | Roundtable Discussion

The Power of Community | Roundtable Discussion

The Power of Community On June 8, 2018, members of the Open Organization Ambassadors community joined Red Hat associates across the globe to discuss the power of community and the future of open organizations – hosted by The Open Org Ambassadors:...

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