Forbes: 10 Mistakes You’re Making When Building Thought Leadership

10 Mistakes You’re Making When Building Thought Leadership

Developing your personal brand through thought leadership takes more than just getting your name to show up in a Google search. Know your purpose for being a thought leader — and make sure it’s specific so that you can best align your efforts with the outcome you wish to achieve. And remember, sharing content doesn’t have to be a one-time thing.

Still, it’s easy to take a wrong turn and actually achieve the opposite effect. We asked members of Forbes Coaches Council to each describe one mistake business leaders make when developing their personal brand through thought leadership, and how can they avoid this/do a better job.

Read more here on Forbes…

Being Inconsistent

Be consistent in how often you publish. Develop a flow or framework for your thought leadership so that it will strengthen your brand, no matter what media outlet you are publishing on. You may vary in your aesthetics over time, but your core message or content should remain aligned. Don’t forget to share yourself through your thought leadership so that people will always stay connected. –  Jen Kelchner

This article has a mention by Jen Kelchner or is authored by Jen Kelchner and was originally posted on Jen Kelchner is a founding member of the Forbes Coaches Council and frequently writes on leadership and the workplace.


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