Forbes: 14 Tips For Leading A More Effective Meeting

14 Tips For Leading A More Effective Meeting

No one likes meetings for the sake of meetings. They disrupt workflow and leave you with the feeling that the organizer doesn’t appreciate your time. This begs the question, what can leaders do to run more engaging, effective meetings?

When you take the time to make meetings useful to those attending, engagement happens naturally. You can take this idea a step further by starting the meeting with an “attention-getter” and ending with specific action requirements for each person. According to members of Forbes Coaches Council, here are several more ways to successfully facilitate a meeting people want to attend:

Read more here on Forbes…

Create a parking lot.

Create a “parking lot” for items that arise that should either be discussed offline individually or at another meeting. This will help you stay on track to your agenda, be respectful of everyone’s time at the table, and allow you to remain in control of the meeting. Parked items can be sent out via email as action items post meeting or added to the next meeting agenda.   – Jen Kelchner

This article has a mention by Jen Kelchner or is authored by Jen Kelchner and was originally posted on Jen Kelchner is a founding member of the Forbes Coaches Council and frequently writes on leadership and the workplace.


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