Forbes: 11 Strategies Companies Can Use To Overcome The Talent Shortage

11 Strategies Companies Can Use To Overcome The Talent Shortage

Rapid and significant changes in all industries mean new skill requirements in employees. But hiring employees with the right backgrounds is proving more and more challenging for companies today. A recent survey by ManpowerGroup of more than 41,000 hiring managers around the world found that 38% are having trouble filling positions.

Why are some companies having such a hard time finding qualified candidates to fill open positions, and how should they change their strategy? Below, 11 Forbes Coaches Council members explain:

Read more here on Forbes…

Create Ownership Opportunities

Employee engagement has been flat since 2000 and workforce shifts are occurring. Become intentional about adopting new workplace practices and focusing on people. Knowing what people are good at allows us to plug them into roles of ownership instead of placing them into task-driven roles. People want to be engaged, fulfilled and doing good work. They often aren’t given the platform to do so.

– Jen Kelchner

This article has a mention by Jen Kelchner or is authored by Jen Kelchner and was originally posted on Jen Kelchner is a founding member of the Forbes Coaches Council and frequently writes on leadership and the workplace.


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