11 Ways Solopreneurs Can Get Over Their Modesty And Build A Stronger Brand
As a new solopreneur, you face a daunting challenge. You’re ready to work and may even have years of relevant industry experience, but you need to build credibility to attract customers.
Many new solopreneurs lack the confidence needed to put themselves out there. They’re afraid of coming across as boastful or egotistic. But in order to build a truly effective brand, getting in the spotlight is absolutely essential.
Showcase Your Value Through Action
Create a complimentary offer or free line item that shows off your value and engages the potential client. This allows for your work to speak for itself. Never be afraid to post your prior client testimonials, especially social proof screen shots, to your website! This “proof” will continue to provide credibility and increase your influence through your brand. – Jen Kelchner
This article has a mention by Jen Kelchner or is authored by Jen Kelchner and was originally posted on Forbes.com. Jen Kelchner is a founding member of the Forbes Coaches Council and frequently writes on leadership and the workplace.