11 Apps Professionals Can Use To Stay Focused
With so many apps to choose from, it can be hard for busy professionals to identify the most beneficial and high-quality ones.
To help you get started, we asked 11 members of Forbes Coaches Council to name one app they recommend for their clients and why. So whether you’re looking for music to improve your concentration or better ways to manage your priorities, there’s something here for everyone that will help you better manage your time and energy.
Slack For Communication
Communication is key for teams and organizations. Slack allows you to create a team knowledge commons, private messaging sections, and specific channels you can organize to your needs. Having all things communication at your fingertips on the go as well is a must. It increases productivity and is a huge time saver when you need to reference an idea, link or comment. – Jen Kelchner
This article has a mention by Jen Kelchner or is authored by Jen Kelchner and was originally posted on Forbes.com. Jen Kelchner is a founding member of the Forbes Coaches Council and frequently writes on leadership and the workplace.